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Task methods are accessed through the task public member of your TickTickClient instance.

# Assumes that 'client' is the name that references the TickTickClient instance.

task = client.task.method()


All supported methods are documented below with usage examples, take a look!

All usage examples assume that client is the name referencing the TickTickClient instance


The datetime module must be imported to use dates.

First Way:

import datetime
date = datetime.datetime(2021, 1, 1)

Second Way:

from datetime import datetime
date = datetime(2021, 1, 1)

Example TickTick Task Dictionary


    "id": "String",
    "projectId": "String",
    "title": "Task Title",
    "content": "Task Content",
    "desc": "Task Description",
    "allDay": True,
    "startDate": "2019-11-13T03:00:00+0000",
    "dueDate": "2019-11-14T03:00:00+0000",
    "timeZone": "America/Los_Angeles",
    "reminders": ["TRIGGER:P0DT9H0M0S", "TRIGGER:PT0S"],
    "repeat": "RRULE:FREQ=DAILY;INTERVAL=1",
    "priority": 1,
    "status": 0,
    "completedTime": "2019-11-13T03:00:00+0000",
    "sortOrder": 12345,
    "items": [{
        "id": "String",
        "status": 1,
        "title": "Subtask Title",
        "sortOrder": 12345,
        "startDate": "2019-11-13T03:00:00+0000",
        "isAllDay": False,
        "timeZone": "America/Los_Angeles",
        "completedTime": "2019-11-13T03:00:00+0000"

Subtask Items

Name Description Schema
id Subtask identifier string
title Subtask title string
status The completion status of subtask Value : Normal: 0, Completed: 1 integer (int32)
completedTime Subtask completed time in "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ" Example : "2019-11-13T03:00:00+0000" string (date-time)
isAllDay All day boolean
sortOrder Subtask sort order Example : 234444 integer (int64)
startDate Subtask start date time in "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ" Example : "2019-11-13T03:00:00+0000" string (date-time)
timeZone Subtask timezone Example : "America/Los_Angeles" string

Task Items

Name Description Schema
id Task identifier string
projectId Task project id string
title Task title string
allDay All day boolean
completedTime Task completed time in "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ" Example : "2019-11-13T03:00:00+0000" string (date-time)
content Task content string
desc Task description of checklist string
dueDate Task due date time in "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ" Example : "2019-11-13T03:00:00+0000" string (date-time)
items Subtasks of Task < ChecklistItem > array
priority Task priority Value : None:0, Low:1, Medium:3, High5 integer (int32)
reminders List of reminder triggers Example : [ "TRIGGER:P0DT9H0M0S", "TRIGGER:PT0S" ] < string > array
repeat Recurring rules of task Example : "RRULE:FREQ=DAILY;INTERVAL=1" string
sortOrder Task sort order Example : 12345 integer (int64)
startDate Start date time in "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ" Example : "2019-11-13T03:00:00+0000" string (date-time)
status Task completion status Value : Normal: 0, Completed: 1 integer (int32)
timeZone Task timezone Example : "America/Los_Angeles" string


Handles all interactions for tasks.

builder(self, title='', projectId=None, content=None, desc=None, allDay=None, startDate=None, dueDate=None, timeZone=None, reminders=None, repeat=None, priority=None, sortOrder=None, items=None)

Builds a task dictionary with the passed fields. This is a helper method for task creation.


Name Type Description Default
title str

Desired name of the task

projectId str

ID string of the project

content str

Content body of the task

desc str

Description of the task checklist

allDay bool

Boolean for whether the task is all day or not

startDate datetime.datetime

Start time of the task

dueDate datetime.datetime

End time of the task

timeZone str

Time zone for the task

reminders list

List of reminder triggers

repeat str

Recurring rules for the task

priority int

None:0, Low:1, Medium:3, High5

sortOrder int

Task sort order

items list

Subtasks of task



Type Description

A dictionary containing the fields necessary for task creation.


Building a local task object with a title, start, and due time.

start = datetime(2027, 5, 2)
end = datetime(2027, 5, 7)
title = 'Festival'
task_dict = client.task.builder(title, startDate=start, dueDate=end)
{'startDate': '2027-05-02T07:00:00+0000',
 'dueDate': '2027-05-08T07:00:00+0000',
 'allDay': True,
 'title': 'Festival'}
Source code in managers/
def builder(self,
            title: str = '',
            projectId: str = None,
            content: str = None,
            desc: str = None,
            allDay: bool = None,
            startDate: datetime.datetime = None,
            dueDate: datetime.datetime = None,
            timeZone: str = None,
            reminders: list = None,
            repeat: str = None,
            priority: int = None,
            sortOrder: int = None,
            items: list = None):
    Builds a task dictionary with the passed fields. This is a helper
    method for task creation.

        title (str): Desired name of the task
        projectId (str): ID string of the project
        content (str): Content body of the task
        desc (str): Description of the task checklist
        allDay (bool): Boolean for whether the task is all day or not
        startDate (datetime.datetime): Start time of the task
        dueDate (datetime.datetime): End time of the task
        timeZone (str): Time zone for the task
        reminders (list): List of reminder triggers
        repeat (str): Recurring rules for the task
        priority (int): None:0, Low:1, Medium:3, High5
        sortOrder (int): Task sort order
        items (list): Subtasks of task

        dict: A dictionary containing the fields necessary for task creation.

    !!! example
        Building a local task object with a title, start, and due time.

        start = datetime(2027, 5, 2)
        end = datetime(2027, 5, 7)
        title = 'Festival'
        task_dict = client.task.builder(title, startDate=start, dueDate=end)

        ??? Result

            {'startDate': '2027-05-02T07:00:00+0000',
             'dueDate': '2027-05-08T07:00:00+0000',
             'allDay': True,
             'title': 'Festival'}
    task = {'title': title}
    if projectId is not None:
        task['projectId'] = projectId
    if content is not None:
        task['content'] = content
    if desc is not None:
        task['desc'] = desc
    if allDay is not None:
        task['allDay'] = allDay
    if reminders is not None:
        task['reminders'] = reminders
    if repeat is not None:
        task['repeat'] = repeat
    if priority is not None:
        task['priority'] = priority
    if sortOrder is not None:
        task['sortOrder'] = sortOrder
    if items is not None:
        task['items'] = items

    dates = {}

    # date conversions
    if startDate is not None:
        dates = self.dates(startDate, dueDate, timeZone)

    # merge dicts
    return {**dates, **task}

complete(self, task)

Marks a task as complete. Pass in the task dictionary to be marked as completed.


The task should already be created


Name Type Description Default
task dict

The task dictionary object.



Type Description

The original passed in task.

Task Completing

# Lets assume that we have a task named "Dentist" that we want to mark as complete.

dentist_task = client.get_by_fields(title='Dentist', search='tasks')
complete_task = client.task.complete(dentist_task)  # Pass the task dictionary

The task is completed and the dictionary object returned.

{'id': '5fff5009b04b355792c79397', 'projectId': 'inbox115781412', 'sortOrder': -99230924406784,
'title': 'Go To Dentist', 'content': '', 'startDate': '2021-01-13T08:00:00.000+0000',
'dueDate': '2021-01-13T08:00:00.000+0000', 'timeZone': 'America/Los_Angeles', 'isFloating': False,
'isAllDay': True, 'reminders': [], 'exDate': [], 'priority': 0, 'status': 2, 'items': [],
'progress': 0, 'modifiedTime': '2021-01-13T19:56:11.000+0000', 'etag': 'djiiqso6', 'deleted': 0,
'createdTime': '2021-01-13T19:54:49.000+0000', 'creator': 6147345572, 'kind': 'TEXT'}





Source code in managers/
def complete(self, task: dict):
    Marks a task as complete. Pass in the task dictionary to be marked as completed.

    !!! note
        The task should already be created

        task (dict): The task dictionary object.

        dict: The original passed in task.

    !!! example "Task Completing"
        # Lets assume that we have a task named "Dentist" that we want to mark as complete.

        dentist_task = client.get_by_fields(title='Dentist', search='tasks')
        complete_task = client.task.complete(dentist_task)  # Pass the task dictionary

        ??? success "Result"
            The task is completed and the dictionary object returned.

            {'id': '5fff5009b04b355792c79397', 'projectId': 'inbox115781412', 'sortOrder': -99230924406784,
            'title': 'Go To Dentist', 'content': '', 'startDate': '2021-01-13T08:00:00.000+0000',
            'dueDate': '2021-01-13T08:00:00.000+0000', 'timeZone': 'America/Los_Angeles', 'isFloating': False,
            'isAllDay': True, 'reminders': [], 'exDate': [], 'priority': 0, 'status': 2, 'items': [],
            'progress': 0, 'modifiedTime': '2021-01-13T19:56:11.000+0000', 'etag': 'djiiqso6', 'deleted': 0,
            'createdTime': '2021-01-13T19:54:49.000+0000', 'creator': 6147345572, 'kind': 'TEXT'}





    # generate url
    url = self._generate_mark_complete_url(task['projectId'], task['id'])

    # make request
    response = self._client.http_post(url=url, json=task, headers=self.oauth_headers)

    # sync local state

    if response == '':
        return task

    # return response
    return response

create(self, task)

Create a task. Use builder for easy task dictionary creation.


Creating tasks with tags is not functional but will be implemented in a future update.


Name Type Description Default
task dict

Task dictionary to be created.



Type Description

Dictionary of created task object. Note that the task object is a "simplified" version of the full task object. Use get_by_id for the full task object.

Creating Tasks

title = "Molly's Birthday"
task = client.task.builder(title)   # Local dictionary
molly = client.task.create(task)    # Create task remotely

{'id': '60ca9dbc8f08516d9dd56324',
 'projectId': 'inbox115781412',
 'title': "Molly's Birthday",
 'timeZone': '',
 'reminders': [],
 'priority': 0,
 'status': 0,
 'sortOrder': -1336456383561728,
 'items': []}

title = "Molly's Birthday Party"

start_time = datetime(2027, 7, 5, 14, 30)  # 7/5/2027 @ 2:30PM
end_time = datetime(2027, 7, 5, 19, 30)    # 7/5/2027 @ 7:30PM

content = "Bring Cake"

task = client.task.builder(title,

mollys_party = client.task.create(task)

{'id': '60ca9fe58f08fe31011862f2',
 'projectId': 'inbox115781412',
 'title': "Molly's Birthday Party",
 'content': 'Bring Cake',
 'timeZone': '',
 'startDate': '2027-07-05T21:30:00.000+0000',
 'dueDate': '2027-07-06T02:30:00.000+0000',
 'priority': 0,
 'status': 0,
 'sortOrder': -1337555895189504,
 'items': [],
 'allDay': False}

# Get the project object
events = client.get_by_fields(name="Events", search='projects')

events_id = events['id']    # Need the project object id

title = "Molly's Birthday"

task = client.task.builder(title, projectId=events_id)

mollys_birthday = client.task.create(task)

{'id': '60caa2278f08fe3101187002',
 'projectId': '60caa20d8f08fe3101186f74',
 'title': "Molly's Birthday",
 'timeZone': '',
 'reminders': [],
 'priority': 0,
 'status': 0,
 'sortOrder': -1099511627776,
 'items': []}

Source code in managers/
def create(self, task):
    Create a task. Use [`builder`][managers.tasks.TaskManager.builder] for easy task dictionary

    !!! warning
        Creating tasks with tags is not functional but will be implemented in a future update.

        task (dict): Task dictionary to be created.

        dict: Dictionary of created task object. Note that the task object is a "simplified" version of the full
        task object. Use [`get_by_id`][api.TickTickClient.get_by_id] for the full task object.

    !!! example "Creating Tasks"
        === "Just A Name"
            title = "Molly's Birthday"
            task = client.task.builder(title)   # Local dictionary
            molly = client.task.create(task)    # Create task remotely

            ??? success "Result"

                {'id': '60ca9dbc8f08516d9dd56324',
                 'projectId': 'inbox115781412',
                 'title': "Molly's Birthday",
                 'timeZone': '',
                 'reminders': [],
                 'priority': 0,
                 'status': 0,
                 'sortOrder': -1336456383561728,
                 'items': []}

        === "Dates and Descriptions"
            title = "Molly's Birthday Party"

            start_time = datetime(2027, 7, 5, 14, 30)  # 7/5/2027 @ 2:30PM
            end_time = datetime(2027, 7, 5, 19, 30)    # 7/5/2027 @ 7:30PM

            content = "Bring Cake"

            task = client.task.builder(title,

            mollys_party = client.task.create(task)

            ??? success "Result"
                {'id': '60ca9fe58f08fe31011862f2',
                 'projectId': 'inbox115781412',
                 'title': "Molly's Birthday Party",
                 'content': 'Bring Cake',
                 'timeZone': '',
                 'startDate': '2027-07-05T21:30:00.000+0000',
                 'dueDate': '2027-07-06T02:30:00.000+0000',
                 'priority': 0,
                 'status': 0,
                 'sortOrder': -1337555895189504,
                 'items': [],
                 'allDay': False}

        === "Different Project"
            # Get the project object
            events = client.get_by_fields(name="Events", search='projects')

            events_id = events['id']    # Need the project object id

            title = "Molly's Birthday"

            task = client.task.builder(title, projectId=events_id)

            mollys_birthday = client.task.create(task)

            ??? success "Result"
                {'id': '60caa2278f08fe3101187002',
                 'projectId': '60caa20d8f08fe3101186f74',
                 'title': "Molly's Birthday",
                 'timeZone': '',
                 'reminders': [],
                 'priority': 0,
                 'status': 0,
                 'sortOrder': -1099511627776,
                 'items': []}

    # generate url
    url = self._generate_create_url()

    # make request
    response = self._client.http_post(url=url, json=task, headers=self.oauth_headers)

    # sync local state

    # TODO: Figure out tags
    # since the openapi does not explicitly support tag creation - lets create a new tag for the new task
    # try:
    #     tags = task['tag']
    #     if isinstance(tags, str):
    #         # single tag -> check to see if it exists before creating another one
    #         search = self._client.get_by_fields(name=tags, search='tags')
    #     elif:
    #         isinstance(tags, list)
    #         # multiple tags
    #         pass
    # except KeyError:
    #     pass

    # set 'inbox' to be the actual inbox id
    if response['projectId'] == 'inbox':
        response['projectId'] = self._client.inbox_id

    # return response
    return response

dates(self, start, due=None, tz=None)

Performs necessary date conversions from datetime objects to strings. This method allows for more natural input of data to the builder method.


Name Type Description Default
start datetime

Desired start time

due datetime

Desired end time

tz str

Time zone string if the desired time zone is not the account default.



Type Description

Contains 'startDate', 'endDate', 'timeZone', and 'allDay' when applicable.

  1. All Day Start Time (single day task)
  2. All Day Start and End Time (multi-day range)
  3. Specific Start Time (specific time task)
  4. Specific Start and End Time (specific start and end task)

Last Day Of The Month

start = datetime(2027, 3, 27)
end = datetime(2027, 3, 31)

dates = client.task.dates(start, end)
{'startDate': '2027-03-27T07:00:00+0000',
'dueDate': '2027-04-01T07:00:00+0000',
'allDay': True}
Source code in managers/
def dates(self, start, due=None, tz=None):
    Performs necessary date conversions from datetime objects to strings. This
    method allows for more natural input of data to the [`builder`][managers.tasks.TaskManager.builder]

        start (datetime): Desired start time
        due (datetime): Desired end time
        tz (str): Time zone string if the desired time zone is not the account default.

        dict: Contains 'startDate', 'endDate', 'timeZone', and 'allDay' when applicable.

    1. All Day Start Time (single day task)
    2. All Day Start and End Time (multi-day range)
    3. Specific Start Time (specific time task)
    4. Specific Start and End Time (specific start and end task)

    !!! example "Last Day Of The Month"
        start = datetime(2027, 3, 27)
        end = datetime(2027, 3, 31)

        dates = client.task.dates(start, end)

        ??? success "Result"
            {'startDate': '2027-03-27T07:00:00+0000',
            'dueDate': '2027-04-01T07:00:00+0000',
            'allDay': True}
    dates = {}
    # Set time zone
    if tz is not None:
        dates['timeZone'] = tz
        tz = self._client.time_zone

    # Check if just start date
    if due is None:
        if start.hour != 0 or start.minute != 0 or start.second != 0 or start.microsecond != 0:
            dates['startDate'] = convert_date_to_tick_tick_format(start, tz)
            dates['allDay'] = False
            dates['startDate'] = convert_date_to_tick_tick_format(start, tz)
            dates['allDay'] = True
        return dates

    # Check all day for both
    if (start.hour != 0 or start.minute != 0 or start.second != 0 or start.microsecond != 0
            or due.hour != 0 or due.minute != 0 or due.second != 0 or due.microsecond != 0):
        # Just convert the dates and return
        dates['startDate'] = convert_date_to_tick_tick_format(start, tz)
        dates['dueDate'] = convert_date_to_tick_tick_format(due, tz)
        dates['allDay'] = False
        return dates

    # All day is true, however normally right now if we were to use a date like Jan 1 - Jan 3,
    # TickTick would create a task that is only Jan 1 - Jan 2 since the date would be up to Jan 3
    # Lets account for that by making the date actually be one more than the current end date
    # This will allow for more natural date input for all day tasks
    days = monthrange(due.year, due.month)
    if + 1 > days[1]:  # Last day of the month
        if due.month + 1 > 12:  # Last month of the year
            year = due.year + 1  # Both last day of month and last day of year
            day = 1
            month = 1
        else:  # Not last month of year, just reset the day and increment the month
            year = due.year
            month = due.month + 1
            day = 1
    else:  # Dont have to worry about incrementing year or month
        year = due.year
        day = + 1
        month = due.month

    due = datetime.datetime(year, month, day)  # No hours, mins, or seconds needed

    dates['startDate'] = convert_date_to_tick_tick_format(start, tz)
    dates['dueDate'] = convert_date_to_tick_tick_format(due, tz)
    dates['allDay'] = True

    return dates

delete(self, task)

Deletes a task. Supports single task deletion, and batch task deletion.

For a single task pass in the task dictionary. For multiple tasks pass in a list of task dictionaries.


Name Type Description Default
task str or list

Single Task (dict): Task dictionary to be deleted

Multiple Tasks (list): List of task dictionaries to be deleted



Type Description
dict or list

Single Task (dict): Task dictionary that was deleted

Multiple Tasks (list): List of task dictionaries that were deleted

Task Deletion

# Get the task
task = client.get_by_fields(title="Molly's Birthday", search="tasks")

# Delete the task
deleted = client.task.delete(task)
{'id': '60caa2278f08fe3101187002',
'projectId': '60caa20d8f08fe3101186f74',
'sortOrder': -1099511627776,
'title': "Molly's Birthday",
'content': '',
'startDate': '2027-05-06T07:00:00.000+0000',
'dueDate': '2027-05-06T07:00:00.000+0000',
'timeZone': '',
'isFloating': False,
'isAllDay': True,
'reminders': [],
'repeatFirstDate': '2027-05-05T07:00:00.000+0000',
'exDate': [],
'priority': 0,
'status': 0,
'items': [],
'progress': 0,
'modifiedTime': '2021-06-17T01:25:19.000+0000',
'etag': 'rrn4paqp',
'deleted': 0,
'createdTime': '2021-06-17T01:15:19.365+0000',
'creator': 119784412,
'kind': 'TEXT'}
# Get the tasks
wash_car = client.get_by_fields(title="Wash Car", search="tasks")
do_dishes = client.get_by_fields(title="Do Dishes", search="tasks")

# Make a list for the tasks
to_delete = [wash_car, do_dishes]

# Delete the tasks
deleted = client.task.delete(to_delete)




[{'id': '60caa8e714f7103cef35765a', 'projectId': '60caa20d8f08fe3101186f74',
'sortOrder': -1099511627776, 'title': 'Wash Car', 'content': '',
'timeZone': 'America/Los_Angeles', 'isFloating': False,
'reminder': '', 'reminders': [], 'exDate': [], 'priority': 0, 'status': 0,
'items': [], 'progress': 0, 'modifiedTime': '2021-06-17T01:44:07.000+0000', 'etag': '8372m61k',
'deleted': 0, 'createdTime': '2021-06-17T01:44:07.000+0000',
'creator': 115761422, 'tags': [], 'kind': 'TEXT'},

{'id': '60caa8ea14f7103cef35765f', 'projectId': '60caa20d8f08fe3101186f74',
'sortOrder': -2199023255552, 'title': 'Do Dishes', 'content': '',
'timeZone': 'America/Los_Angeles', 'isFloating': False, 'reminder': '',
'reminders': [], 'exDate': [], 'priority': 0, 'status': 0, 'items': [],
'progress': 0, 'modifiedTime': '2021-06-17T01:44:10.000+0000',
'etag': 'sfka0mvn', 'deleted': 0, 'createdTime': '2021-06-17T01:44:10.000+0000',
'creator': 1155481312, 'tags': [], 'kind': 'TEXT'}]

Source code in managers/
def delete(self, task):
    Deletes a task. Supports single task deletion, and batch task deletion.

    For a single task pass in the task dictionary. For multiple tasks pass in a list of task dictionaries.

         task (str or list):
             **Single Task (dict)**: Task dictionary to be deleted

             **Multiple Tasks (list)**: List of task dictionaries to be deleted

         dict or list:
            **Single Task (dict)**: Task dictionary that was deleted

            **Multiple Tasks (list)**: List of task dictionaries that were deleted

    !!! example "Task Deletion"

        === "Single Task Deletion"

            # Get the task
            task = client.get_by_fields(title="Molly's Birthday", search="tasks")

            # Delete the task
            deleted = client.task.delete(task)

            ??? success "Result"
                ``` python
                {'id': '60caa2278f08fe3101187002',
                'projectId': '60caa20d8f08fe3101186f74',
                'sortOrder': -1099511627776,
                'title': "Molly's Birthday",
                'content': '',
                'startDate': '2027-05-06T07:00:00.000+0000',
                'dueDate': '2027-05-06T07:00:00.000+0000',
                'timeZone': '',
                'isFloating': False,
                'isAllDay': True,
                'reminders': [],
                'repeatFirstDate': '2027-05-05T07:00:00.000+0000',
                'exDate': [],
                'priority': 0,
                'status': 0,
                'items': [],
                'progress': 0,
                'modifiedTime': '2021-06-17T01:25:19.000+0000',
                'etag': 'rrn4paqp',
                'deleted': 0,
                'createdTime': '2021-06-17T01:15:19.365+0000',
                'creator': 119784412,
                'kind': 'TEXT'}

        === "Multiple Task Deletion"
            ``` python
            # Get the tasks
            wash_car = client.get_by_fields(title="Wash Car", search="tasks")
            do_dishes = client.get_by_fields(title="Do Dishes", search="tasks")

            # Make a list for the tasks
            to_delete = [wash_car, do_dishes]

            # Delete the tasks
            deleted = client.task.delete(to_delete)



            ??? success "Result"
                [{'id': '60caa8e714f7103cef35765a', 'projectId': '60caa20d8f08fe3101186f74',
                'sortOrder': -1099511627776, 'title': 'Wash Car', 'content': '',
                'timeZone': 'America/Los_Angeles', 'isFloating': False,
                'reminder': '', 'reminders': [], 'exDate': [], 'priority': 0, 'status': 0,
                'items': [], 'progress': 0, 'modifiedTime': '2021-06-17T01:44:07.000+0000', 'etag': '8372m61k',
                'deleted': 0, 'createdTime': '2021-06-17T01:44:07.000+0000',
                'creator': 115761422, 'tags': [], 'kind': 'TEXT'},

                {'id': '60caa8ea14f7103cef35765f', 'projectId': '60caa20d8f08fe3101186f74',
                'sortOrder': -2199023255552, 'title': 'Do Dishes', 'content': '',
                'timeZone': 'America/Los_Angeles', 'isFloating': False, 'reminder': '',
                'reminders': [], 'exDate': [], 'priority': 0, 'status': 0, 'items': [],
                'progress': 0, 'modifiedTime': '2021-06-17T01:44:10.000+0000',
                'etag': 'sfka0mvn', 'deleted': 0, 'createdTime': '2021-06-17T01:44:10.000+0000',
                'creator': 1155481312, 'tags': [], 'kind': 'TEXT'}]


    # generate url
    url = self._generate_delete_url()

    to_delete = []

    # if its just a dict then we are going to have to make a list object for it
    if isinstance(task, dict):
        # ticktick returns for the 'projectId': 'inbox' instead of the actual inbox id - which is required for
        # proper deletion
        if task['projectId'] == 'inbox':
            task['projectId'] = self._client.inbox_id

        delete_dict = {'projectId': task['projectId'], 'taskId': task['id']}

    # iterate through "task"
        for item in task:
            if item['projectId'] == 'inbox':
                item['projectId'] = self._client.inbox_id
            delete_dict = {'projectId': item['projectId'], 'taskId': item['id']}

    payload = {'delete': to_delete}
    # make request
    self._client.http_post(url, json=payload, cookies=self._client.cookies, headers=self.headers)

    # sync local state

    # return input
    return task

get_completed(self, start, end=None, full=True, tz=None)

Obtains all completed tasks from the given start date and end date.


There is a limit of 100 items for the request


Name Type Description Default
start datetime

Start time datetime object.

end datetime

End time datetime object.

full bool

Boolean specifying whether hours, minutes, and seconds are to be taken into account for the query.

tz str

String specifying a specific time zone, however this will default to your accounts normal time zone.



Type Description

A list containing all the completed tasks based on the times.


Type Description

If the proper types are not used.


If start occurs after end.


If the time zone string passed is not a valid time zone string.


If getting the tasks is unsuccessful.

Getting Completed Tasks

Getting the tasks for a full, complete day requires passing in the datetime object corresponding to the day that you want.

# Get the tasks for 1/11/2021
tasks = client.task.get_completed(datetime(2021, 1, 11))

The list of completed tasks is returned.

[{'id': '5ffca35f4c201114702a0607', 'projectId': '004847faa60015487be444cb',
'sortOrder': -50027779063826, 'title': 'Shoulders and Arms', 'content': '', 'desc': '',
'startDate': '2021-01-11T08:00:00.000+0000', 'dueDate': '2021-01-11T08:00:00.000+0000',
'timeZone': 'America/Los_Angeles', 'isFloating': False, 'isAllDay': True, 'reminders': [],
'repeatFlag': '', 'exDate': [], 'completedTime': '2021-01-11T23:25:46.000+0000',
'completedUserId': 185769383, 'priority': 0, 'status': 2, 'items': [], 'progress': 0,
'modifiedTime': '2021-01-11T23:25:41.000+0000', 'etag': '6hlk4e8t', 'deleted': 0,
'createdTime': '2021-01-11T19:13:35.000+0000', 'creator': 185769383, 'tags': ['fitness'],
'commentCount': 0, 'pomodoroSummaries': [{'userId': 185769383, 'count': 0, 'estimatedPomo': 0,
'duration': 0}], 'focusSummaries': [{'userId': 185769383, 'pomoCount': 0, 'estimatedPomo': 0,
'estimatedDuration': 0, 'pomoDuration': 0, 'stopwatchDuration': 3720}], 'kind': 'TEXT'}]


Getting the tasks for a range of days requires passing in datetime objects for the start day, and the end day that you want.

# Get the tasks between 8/7/18 and 8/10/18
start = datetime(2018, 8, 7)
end = datetime(2018, 8, 10)
tasks = client.task.get_completed(start, end)

Completed tasks in a list are returned.

[{'id': '5ffffebab04b355792c79e38', 'projectId': 'inbox115781412', 'sortOrder': -7696581394432,
'title': 'Ride Bike', 'content': '', 'startDate': '2021-01-14T08:00:00.000+0000',
'dueDate': '2021-01-14T08:00:00.000+0000', 'timeZone': 'America/Los_Angeles',
'isFloating': False, 'isAllDay': True, 'reminders': [], 'exDate': [],
'completedTime': '2018-08-09T07:20:11.000+0000', 'completedUserId': 185769383,
'priority': 0, 'status': 2, 'items': [], 'progress': 0,
'modifiedTime': '2021-01-14T08:21:01.000+0000', 'etag': 'mhjyig4y',
'deleted': 0, 'createdTime': '2021-01-14T08:20:10.000+0000', 'creator': 185769383, 'kind': 'TEXT'},

{'id': '5ffffeaab04b355792c79d89', 'projectId': 'inbox115781412',
'sortOrder': -6597069766656, 'title': 'Read Book', 'content': '',
'startDate': '2021-01-14T08:00:00.000+0000', 'dueDate': '2021-01-14T08:00:00.000+0000',
'timeZone': 'America/Los_Angeles', 'isFloating': False, 'isAllDay': True, 'reminders': [],
'exDate': [], 'completedTime': '2018-08-08T07:20:12.000+0000', 'completedUserId': 185769383,
'priority': 0, 'status': 2, 'items': [], 'progress': 0,
'modifiedTime': '2021-01-14T08:20:46.000+0000', 'etag': 'tzd4coms', 'deleted': 0,
'createdTime': '2021-01-14T08:19:54.000+0000', 'creator': 185769383, 'kind': 'TEXT'}]


You can also get completed tasks that were completed in a specific time duration. Include specific hours, minutes, and seconds for the datetime objects, and specify full to be false -> meaning that the specific times will be put into effect.

# Get the tasks completed between 12PM and 5PM on 12/15/2020
start = datetime(2020, 12, 15, 12)  # 12PM 12/15/2020
end = datetime(2020, 12, 15, 17)    # 5PM 12/15/2020
tasks = client.task.get_completed(start, end, full=False)
Source code in managers/
def get_completed(self, start, end=None, full: bool = True, tz: str = None) -> list:
    Obtains all completed tasks from the given start date and end date.

    !!! note
        There is a limit of 100 items for the request

        start (datetime): Start time datetime object.
        end (datetime): End time datetime object.
        full: Boolean specifying whether hours, minutes, and seconds are to be taken into account for the query.
        tz: String specifying a specific time zone, however this will default to your accounts normal time zone.

        A list containing all the completed tasks based on the times.

        TypeError: If the proper types are not used.
        ValueError: If start occurs after end.
        KeyError: If the time zone string passed is not a valid time zone string.
        RuntimeError: If getting the tasks is unsuccessful.

    !!! example "Getting Completed Tasks"
        === "Completed Tasks In A Single Day"
            Getting the tasks for a full, complete day requires passing in
            the datetime object corresponding to the day that you want.

            # Get the tasks for 1/11/2021
            tasks = client.task.get_completed(datetime(2021, 1, 11))

            ??? success "Result"
                The list of completed tasks is returned.

                [{'id': '5ffca35f4c201114702a0607', 'projectId': '004847faa60015487be444cb',
                'sortOrder': -50027779063826, 'title': 'Shoulders and Arms', 'content': '', 'desc': '',
                'startDate': '2021-01-11T08:00:00.000+0000', 'dueDate': '2021-01-11T08:00:00.000+0000',
                'timeZone': 'America/Los_Angeles', 'isFloating': False, 'isAllDay': True, 'reminders': [],
                'repeatFlag': '', 'exDate': [], 'completedTime': '2021-01-11T23:25:46.000+0000',
                'completedUserId': 185769383, 'priority': 0, 'status': 2, 'items': [], 'progress': 0,
                'modifiedTime': '2021-01-11T23:25:41.000+0000', 'etag': '6hlk4e8t', 'deleted': 0,
                'createdTime': '2021-01-11T19:13:35.000+0000', 'creator': 185769383, 'tags': ['fitness'],
                'commentCount': 0, 'pomodoroSummaries': [{'userId': 185769383, 'count': 0, 'estimatedPomo': 0,
                'duration': 0}], 'focusSummaries': [{'userId': 185769383, 'pomoCount': 0, 'estimatedPomo': 0,
                'estimatedDuration': 0, 'pomoDuration': 0, 'stopwatchDuration': 3720}], 'kind': 'TEXT'}]


        === "Completed Tasks Over A Range Of Days"
            Getting the tasks for a range of days requires passing in datetime objects
            for the start day, and the end day that you want.

            # Get the tasks between 8/7/18 and 8/10/18
            start = datetime(2018, 8, 7)
            end = datetime(2018, 8, 10)
            tasks = client.task.get_completed(start, end)

            ??? success "Result"
                Completed tasks in a list are returned.

                [{'id': '5ffffebab04b355792c79e38', 'projectId': 'inbox115781412', 'sortOrder': -7696581394432,
                'title': 'Ride Bike', 'content': '', 'startDate': '2021-01-14T08:00:00.000+0000',
                'dueDate': '2021-01-14T08:00:00.000+0000', 'timeZone': 'America/Los_Angeles',
                'isFloating': False, 'isAllDay': True, 'reminders': [], 'exDate': [],
                'completedTime': '2018-08-09T07:20:11.000+0000', 'completedUserId': 185769383,
                'priority': 0, 'status': 2, 'items': [], 'progress': 0,
                'modifiedTime': '2021-01-14T08:21:01.000+0000', 'etag': 'mhjyig4y',
                'deleted': 0, 'createdTime': '2021-01-14T08:20:10.000+0000', 'creator': 185769383, 'kind': 'TEXT'},

                {'id': '5ffffeaab04b355792c79d89', 'projectId': 'inbox115781412',
                'sortOrder': -6597069766656, 'title': 'Read Book', 'content': '',
                'startDate': '2021-01-14T08:00:00.000+0000', 'dueDate': '2021-01-14T08:00:00.000+0000',
                'timeZone': 'America/Los_Angeles', 'isFloating': False, 'isAllDay': True, 'reminders': [],
                'exDate': [], 'completedTime': '2018-08-08T07:20:12.000+0000', 'completedUserId': 185769383,
                'priority': 0, 'status': 2, 'items': [], 'progress': 0,
                'modifiedTime': '2021-01-14T08:20:46.000+0000', 'etag': 'tzd4coms', 'deleted': 0,
                'createdTime': '2021-01-14T08:19:54.000+0000', 'creator': 185769383, 'kind': 'TEXT'}]


        === "Completed Tasks Over A Specific Duration Of Time"
            You can also get completed tasks that were completed in a specific time duration.
            Include specific hours, minutes, and seconds for the datetime objects, and
            specify `full` to be false -> meaning that the specific times will be put into effect.

            # Get the tasks completed between 12PM and 5PM on 12/15/2020
            start = datetime(2020, 12, 15, 12)  # 12PM 12/15/2020
            end = datetime(2020, 12, 15, 17)    # 5PM 12/15/2020
            tasks = client.task.get_completed(start, end, full=False)
    url = self._client.BASE_URL + 'project/all/completed'

    if tz is None:
        tz = self._client.time_zone

    if not isinstance(start, datetime.datetime):
        raise TypeError('Start Must Be A Datetime Object')

    if not isinstance(end, datetime.datetime) and end is not None:
        raise TypeError('End Must Be A Datetime Object')

    # Handles case when start_date occurs after end_date
    if end is not None and start > end:
        raise ValueError('Invalid Date Range: Start Date Occurs After End Date')

    # Handles invalid timezone argument
    if tz not in pytz.all_timezones_set:
        raise KeyError('Invalid Time Zone')

    # Single Day Entry
    if end is None:
        start = datetime.datetime(start.year, start.month,, 0, 0, 0)
        end = datetime.datetime(start.year, start.month,, 23, 59, 59)

    # Multi DAy -> Full Day Entry
    elif full is True and end is not None:
        start = datetime.datetime(start.year, start.month,, 0, 0, 0)
        end = datetime.datetime(end.year, end.month,, 23, 59, 59)

    # Convert Local Time to UTC time based off the time_zone string specified
    start = convert_local_time_to_utc(start, tz)
    end = convert_local_time_to_utc(end, tz)

    parameters = {
        'from': start.strftime(DATE_FORMAT),
        'to': end.strftime(DATE_FORMAT),
        'limit': 100
    response = self._client.http_get(url, params=parameters, cookies=self._client.cookies, headers=self.headers)
    return response

get_from_project(self, project)

Obtains the tasks that are contained in the project.


Name Type Description Default
project str

ID string of the project to get the tasks from.



Type Description
dict or list

Single Task In Project (dict): The single task object dictionary.

Multiple Tasks In Project (list): A list of task object dictionaries.

No Tasks Found (list): Empty list.


Type Description

If the project ID does not exist.

Getting Uncompleted Tasks From The Inbox

tasks = client.task.get_from_project(client.inbox_id)

See Returns for the different return values based on the amount of tasks present in the project.

[{'id': '5ffe93efb04b35082bbce7af', 'projectId': 'inbox115781412', 'sortOrder': 2199023255552, 'title': 'Go To Library',
'content': '', 'startDate': '2021-01-12T08:00:00.000+0000', 'dueDate': '2021-01-12T08:00:00.000+0000',
'timeZone': 'America/Los_Angeles', 'isFloating': False, 'isAllDay': True,
'reminders': [], 'exDate': [], 'priority': 0, 'status': 0, 'items': [], 'progress': 0,
'modifiedTime': '2021-01-13T06:32:15.000+0000', 'etag': 'kkh0w1jk', 'deleted': 0,
'createdTime': '2021-01-13T06:32:15.000+0000', 'creator': 447666584, 'tags': [],
'kind': 'TEXT'},

{'id': '5ffe93f3b04b35082bbce7b0', 'projectId': 'inbox115781412', 'sortOrder': 1099511627776, 'title': 'Deposit Funds',
'content': '', 'startDate': '2021-01-12T08:00:00.000+0000', 'dueDate': '2021-01-12T08:00:00.000+0000',
'timeZone': 'America/Los_Angeles', 'isFloating': False, 'isAllDay': True,
'reminders': [], 'exDate': [], 'priority': 0, 'status': 0, 'items': [], 'progress': 0, 'modifiedTime': '2021-01-13T06:32:19.000+0000',
'etag': 'w4hj21wf', 'deleted': 0, 'createdTime': '2021-01-13T06:32:19.000+0000', 'creator': 447666584, 'tags': [],
'kind': 'TEXT'}]


Source code in managers/
def get_from_project(self, project: str):
    Obtains the tasks that are contained in the project.

        project: ID string of the project to get the tasks from.

        dict or list:
        **Single Task In Project (dict)**: The single task object dictionary.

        **Multiple Tasks In Project (list)**: A list of task object dictionaries.

        **No Tasks Found (list)**: Empty list.

        ValueError: If the project ID does not exist.

    !!! example "Getting Uncompleted Tasks From The Inbox"
        tasks = client.task.get_from_project(client.inbox_id)

        ??? success "Result"
            See `Returns` for the different return values based on the amount of tasks present
            in the project.

            [{'id': '5ffe93efb04b35082bbce7af', 'projectId': 'inbox115781412', 'sortOrder': 2199023255552, 'title': 'Go To Library',
            'content': '', 'startDate': '2021-01-12T08:00:00.000+0000', 'dueDate': '2021-01-12T08:00:00.000+0000',
            'timeZone': 'America/Los_Angeles', 'isFloating': False, 'isAllDay': True,
            'reminders': [], 'exDate': [], 'priority': 0, 'status': 0, 'items': [], 'progress': 0,
            'modifiedTime': '2021-01-13T06:32:15.000+0000', 'etag': 'kkh0w1jk', 'deleted': 0,
            'createdTime': '2021-01-13T06:32:15.000+0000', 'creator': 447666584, 'tags': [],
            'kind': 'TEXT'},

            {'id': '5ffe93f3b04b35082bbce7b0', 'projectId': 'inbox115781412', 'sortOrder': 1099511627776, 'title': 'Deposit Funds',
            'content': '', 'startDate': '2021-01-12T08:00:00.000+0000', 'dueDate': '2021-01-12T08:00:00.000+0000',
            'timeZone': 'America/Los_Angeles', 'isFloating': False, 'isAllDay': True,
            'reminders': [], 'exDate': [], 'priority': 0, 'status': 0, 'items': [], 'progress': 0, 'modifiedTime': '2021-01-13T06:32:19.000+0000',
            'etag': 'w4hj21wf', 'deleted': 0, 'createdTime': '2021-01-13T06:32:19.000+0000', 'creator': 447666584, 'tags': [],
            'kind': 'TEXT'}]

    # Make sure the project exists
    if project != self._client.inbox_id:
        obj = self._client.get_by_fields(id=project, search='projects')
        if not obj:
            raise ValueError(f"List Id '{project}' Does Not Exist")

    # Get the list of tasks that share the project id
    tasks = self._client.get_by_fields(projectId=project, search='tasks')
    if isinstance(tasks, dict):
        return [tasks]
        return tasks

make_subtask(self, obj, parent)

Makes the passed task(s) sub-tasks to the parent task.


All of the tasks should already be created prior to using this method. Furthermore, the tasks should already be present in the same project as the parent task.


Name Type Description Default
obj dict

Single Sub-Task (dict): The task object dictionary.

Multiple Sub-Tasks (list): A list of task object dictionaries.

parent str

The ID of the task that will be the parent task.



Type Description

Single Sub-Task (dict): Created sub-task dictionary.

Multiple Sub-Tasks (list): List of created sub-task dictionaries.


Type Description

obj must be a dictionary or list of dictionaries. parent must be a string.


If parent task doesn't exist.


If obj does not share the same project as parent.


If the creation was unsuccessful.

Creating Sub-Tasks

Pass the task object that will be made a sub-task to the parent with the passed ID.

# Lets make a task in our inbox named "Read" with a sub-task "50 Pages"
read_task = client.task.create('Read')
pages_task = client.task.create('50 pages')
now_subtask = client.task.make_subtask(pages_task, read_task['id'])

The dictionary of the sub-task is returned.

{'id': '5ffff4968f08af50b4654c6b', 'projectId': 'inbox115781412', 'sortOrder': -3298534883328,
'title': '50 pages', 'content': '', 'timeZone': 'America/Los_Angeles', 'isFloating': False,
'reminder': '', 'reminders': [], 'priority': 0, 'status': 0, 'items': [],
'modifiedTime': '2021-01-14T07:37:36.487+0000', 'etag': 'xv5cjzoz', 'deleted': 0,
'createdTime': '2021-01-14T07:36:54.751+0000', 'creator': 115781412,
'parentId': '5ffff4968f08af50b4654c62', 'kind': 'TEXT'}





Pass all the tasks you want to make sub-tasks in a list.

# Lets make a task in our inbox named "Read" with a sub-tasks "50 Pages", "100 Pages", and "200 Pages"
read_task = client.task.create("Read")
# Lets batch create our sub-tasks
fifty_pages = client.task.builder('50 Pages')
hundred_pages = client.task.builder('100 Pages')
two_hundred_pages = client.task.builder('200 Pages')
page_tasks = client.task.create([fifty_pages, hundred_pages, two_hundred_pages])
# Make the page tasks sub-tasks to read_task
subtasks = client.task.make_subtask(page_tasks, read_task['id'])

A list of the sub-tasks is returned.

[{'id': '5ffff6348f082c11cc0da84d', 'projectId': 'inbox115781412', 'sortOrder': -5497558138880,
'title': '50 Pages', 'content': '', 'timeZone': 'America/Los_Angeles',
'isFloating': False, 'reminder': '', 'reminders': [], 'priority': 0, 'status': 0,
'items': [], 'modifiedTime': '2021-01-14T07:45:04.032+0000', 'etag': 'avqm3u6o',
'deleted': 0, 'createdTime': '2021-01-14T07:43:48.858+0000', 'creator': 567893575,
'parentId': '5ffff6348f082c11cc0da84a', 'kind': 'TEXT'},

{'id': '5ffff6348f082c11cc0da84e', 'projectId': 'inbox115781412', 'sortOrder': -5497558138880,
'title': '100 Pages', 'content': '', 'timeZone': 'America/Los_Angeles',
'isFloating': False, 'reminder': '', 'reminders': [], 'priority': 0, 'status': 0,
'items': [], 'modifiedTime': '2021-01-14T07:45:04.035+0000', 'etag': '6295mmmu',
'deleted': 0, 'createdTime': '2021-01-14T07:43:49.286+0000', 'creator': 567893575,
'parentId': '5ffff6348f082c11cc0da84a', 'kind': 'TEXT'},

{'id': '5ffff6348f082c11cc0da84f', 'projectId': 'inbox115781412', 'sortOrder': -5497558138880,
'title': '200 Pages', 'content': '', 'timeZone': 'America/Los_Angeles',
'isFloating': False, 'reminder': '', 'reminders': [], 'priority': 0, 'status': 0,
'items': [], 'modifiedTime': '2021-01-14T07:45:04.038+0000', 'etag': 'du59zwck',
'deleted': 0, 'createdTime': '2021-01-14T07:43:49.315+0000', 'creator': 567893575,
'parentId': '5ffff6348f082c11cc0da84a', 'kind': 'TEXT'}]





Source code in managers/
def make_subtask(self, obj, parent: str):
    Makes the passed task(s) sub-tasks to the parent task.

    !!! note "Important"
        All of the tasks should already be created prior to using this method. Furthermore,
        the tasks should already be present in the same project as the parent task.

        obj (dict):
            **Single Sub-Task (dict)**: The task object dictionary.

            **Multiple Sub-Tasks (list)**: A list of task object dictionaries.

        parent (str): The ID of the task that will be the parent task.

         **Single Sub-Task (dict)**: Created sub-task dictionary.

         **Multiple Sub-Tasks (list)**: List of created sub-task dictionaries.

        TypeError: `obj` must be a dictionary or list of dictionaries. `parent` must be a string.
        ValueError: If `parent` task doesn't exist.
        ValueError: If `obj` does not share the same project as parent.
        RuntimeError: If the creation was unsuccessful.

    !!! example "Creating Sub-Tasks"
        === "Single Sub-Task Creation"
            Pass the task object that will be made a sub-task to the parent with the passed ID.

            # Lets make a task in our inbox named "Read" with a sub-task "50 Pages"
            read_task = client.task.create('Read')
            pages_task = client.task.create('50 pages')
            now_subtask = client.task.make_subtask(pages_task, read_task['id'])

            ??? success "Result"
                The dictionary of the sub-task is returned.

                {'id': '5ffff4968f08af50b4654c6b', 'projectId': 'inbox115781412', 'sortOrder': -3298534883328,
                'title': '50 pages', 'content': '', 'timeZone': 'America/Los_Angeles', 'isFloating': False,
                'reminder': '', 'reminders': [], 'priority': 0, 'status': 0, 'items': [],
                'modifiedTime': '2021-01-14T07:37:36.487+0000', 'etag': 'xv5cjzoz', 'deleted': 0,
                'createdTime': '2021-01-14T07:36:54.751+0000', 'creator': 115781412,
                'parentId': '5ffff4968f08af50b4654c62', 'kind': 'TEXT'}





        === "Multiple Sub-Task Creation"
            Pass all the tasks you want to make sub-tasks in a list.

            # Lets make a task in our inbox named "Read" with a sub-tasks "50 Pages", "100 Pages", and "200 Pages"
            read_task = client.task.create("Read")
            # Lets batch create our sub-tasks
            fifty_pages = client.task.builder('50 Pages')
            hundred_pages = client.task.builder('100 Pages')
            two_hundred_pages = client.task.builder('200 Pages')
            page_tasks = client.task.create([fifty_pages, hundred_pages, two_hundred_pages])
            # Make the page tasks sub-tasks to read_task
            subtasks = client.task.make_subtask(page_tasks, read_task['id'])

            ??? success "Result"
                A list of the sub-tasks is returned.

                [{'id': '5ffff6348f082c11cc0da84d', 'projectId': 'inbox115781412', 'sortOrder': -5497558138880,
                'title': '50 Pages', 'content': '', 'timeZone': 'America/Los_Angeles',
                'isFloating': False, 'reminder': '', 'reminders': [], 'priority': 0, 'status': 0,
                'items': [], 'modifiedTime': '2021-01-14T07:45:04.032+0000', 'etag': 'avqm3u6o',
                'deleted': 0, 'createdTime': '2021-01-14T07:43:48.858+0000', 'creator': 567893575,
                'parentId': '5ffff6348f082c11cc0da84a', 'kind': 'TEXT'},

                {'id': '5ffff6348f082c11cc0da84e', 'projectId': 'inbox115781412', 'sortOrder': -5497558138880,
                'title': '100 Pages', 'content': '', 'timeZone': 'America/Los_Angeles',
                'isFloating': False, 'reminder': '', 'reminders': [], 'priority': 0, 'status': 0,
                'items': [], 'modifiedTime': '2021-01-14T07:45:04.035+0000', 'etag': '6295mmmu',
                'deleted': 0, 'createdTime': '2021-01-14T07:43:49.286+0000', 'creator': 567893575,
                'parentId': '5ffff6348f082c11cc0da84a', 'kind': 'TEXT'},

                {'id': '5ffff6348f082c11cc0da84f', 'projectId': 'inbox115781412', 'sortOrder': -5497558138880,
                'title': '200 Pages', 'content': '', 'timeZone': 'America/Los_Angeles',
                'isFloating': False, 'reminder': '', 'reminders': [], 'priority': 0, 'status': 0,
                'items': [], 'modifiedTime': '2021-01-14T07:45:04.038+0000', 'etag': 'du59zwck',
                'deleted': 0, 'createdTime': '2021-01-14T07:43:49.315+0000', 'creator': 567893575,
                'parentId': '5ffff6348f082c11cc0da84a', 'kind': 'TEXT'}]




    if not isinstance(obj, dict) and not isinstance(obj, list):
        raise TypeError('obj must be a dictionary or list of dictionaries')

    if not isinstance(parent, str):
        raise TypeError('parent must be a string')

    if isinstance(obj, dict):
        obj = [obj]

    parent_obj = self._client.get_by_id(search='tasks', obj_id=parent)
    if not parent_obj:
        raise ValueError("Parent task must exist before creating sub-tasks")

    ids = []
    # Go through obj and if the projects are different make them the same as parent
    for o in obj:
        if o['projectId'] != parent_obj['projectId']:
            raise ValueError("All tasks must be in the same project as the parent")

    subtasks = []
    for i in ids:  # Create the object dictionaries for setting the subtask
        temp = {
            'parentId': parent,
            'projectId': parent_obj['projectId'],
            'taskId': i

    url = self._client.BASE_URL + 'batch/taskParent'
    response = self._client.http_post(url, json=subtasks, cookies=self._client.cookies, headers=self.headers)
    # Find and return the updated child objects
    subtasks = []
    for task_id in ids:
        subtasks.append(self._client.get_by_id(task_id, search='tasks'))
    if len(subtasks) == 1:
        return subtasks[0]  # Return just the dictionary object if its a single task
        return subtasks

move(self, obj, new)

Moves task(s) from their current project to the new project. It will move the specified tasks with obj to the new project.


If moving multiple tasks, they must all be from the same project.


Name Type Description Default
obj dict or list

Single Task (dict): Pass the single task dictionary object to move.

Multiple Tasks (list): Pass a list of task dictionary objects to move.

new str

The ID string of the project that the task(s) should be moved to.



Type Description
dict or list

Single Task (dict): Returns the dictionary of the moved task.

Multiple Tasks (list): Returns a list of dictionaries for the moved tasks.


Type Description

If obj is not a dict or list or if new is not a str.


For multiple tasks, if the projects are not all the same.


If the new project does not exist.


If the task(s) could not be successfully moved.

Move Examples

Pass in the task object, and the ID of the project the task should be moved to.

# Lets assume that we have a task 'Read' that exists in a project named "Work"
# Lets move that task to the inbox
read_task = client.get_by_fields(title='Read', search='tasks')
move_read_task = client.task.move(read_task, client.inbox_id)

The dictionary object of the moved task is returned.

{'id': '5fffed61b04b355792c799a8', 'projectId': 'inbox115781412', 'sortOrder': 0,
'title': 'Read', 'content': '', 'startDate': '2021-01-13T08:00:00.000+0000',
'dueDate': '2021-01-13T08:00:00.000+0000', 'timeZone': 'America/Los_Angeles',
'isFloating': False, 'isAllDay': True, 'reminders': [], 'exDate': [], 'priority': 0,
'status': 0, 'items': [], 'progress': 0, 'modifiedTime': '2021-01-14T07:08:15.875+0000',
'etag': 'twrmcr55', 'deleted': 0, 'createdTime': '2021-01-14T07:06:09.000+0000',
'creator': 47593756, 'tags': [], 'kind': 'TEXT'}





Pass in the task objects in a list, and the ID of the project that tasks should be moved to. Again, the tasks in the list should all be from the same project.

# Lets move two tasks: 'Read' and 'Write' that exist in a project named "Work"
# Lets move the tasks to another project named "Hobbies" that already exists.
hobbies_project = client.get_by_fields(name='Hobbies', search='projects')
hobbies_id = hobbies_project['id']  # Id of the hobbies project
read_task = client.get_by_fields(title='Read', search='tasks')
write_task = client.get_by_fields(title='Write', search='tasks')
move_tasks = client.task.move([read_task, write_task], hobbies_id)  # Task objects in a list

The tasks that were moved are returned in a list.

[{'id': '5ffff003b04b355792c799d3', 'projectId': '5fffeff68f08654c982c141a', 'sortOrder': 0,
'title': 'Read', 'content': '', 'startDate': '2021-01-13T08:00:00.000+0000',
'dueDate': '2021-01-13T08:00:00.000+0000', 'timeZone': 'America/Los_Angeles',
'isFloating': False, 'isAllDay': True, 'reminders': [], 'exDate': [], 'priority': 0,
'status': 0, 'items': [], 'progress': 0, 'modifiedTime': '2021-01-14T07:19:28.595+0000',
'etag': 'co8jfqyn', 'deleted': 0, 'createdTime': '2021-01-14T07:17:23.000+0000',
'creator': 768495743, 'kind': 'TEXT'},

{'id': '5ffff004b04b355792c799d4', 'projectId': '5fffeff68f08654c982c141a', 'sortOrder': 0,
'title': 'Write', 'content': '', 'startDate': '2021-01-13T08:00:00.000+0000',
'dueDate': '2021-01-13T08:00:00.000+0000', 'timeZone': 'America/Los_Angeles',
'isFloating': False, 'isAllDay': True, 'reminders': [], 'exDate': [], 'priority': 0,
'status': 0, 'items': [], 'progress': 0, 'modifiedTime': '2021-01-14T07:19:28.596+0000',
'etag': '5unkf7xg', 'deleted': 0, 'createdTime': '2021-01-14T07:17:24.000+0000',
'creator': 768495743, 'tags': [], 'kind': 'TEXT'}]





Source code in managers/
def move(self, obj, new: str):
    Moves task(s) from their current project to the new project. It will move the specified
    tasks with `obj` to the new project.

    !!! important
        If moving multiple tasks, they must all be from the same project.
        obj (dict or list):
            **Single Task (dict)**: Pass the single task dictionary object to move.

            **Multiple Tasks (list)**: Pass a list of task dictionary objects to move.
        new: The ID string of the project that the task(s) should be moved to.

        dict or list:
        **Single Task (dict)**: Returns the dictionary of the moved task.

        **Multiple Tasks (list)**: Returns a list of dictionaries for the moved tasks.

        TypeError: If `obj` is not a dict or list or if `new` is not a str.
        ValueError: For multiple tasks, if the projects are not all the same.
        ValueError: If the new project does not exist.
        RuntimeError: If the task(s) could not be successfully moved.

    !!! example "Move Examples"
        === "Moving A Single Task"
            Pass in the task object, and the ID of the project the task should be moved to.

            # Lets assume that we have a task 'Read' that exists in a project named "Work"
            # Lets move that task to the inbox
            read_task = client.get_by_fields(title='Read', search='tasks')
            move_read_task = client.task.move(read_task, client.inbox_id)

            ??? success "Result"
                The dictionary object of the moved task is returned.

                {'id': '5fffed61b04b355792c799a8', 'projectId': 'inbox115781412', 'sortOrder': 0,
                'title': 'Read', 'content': '', 'startDate': '2021-01-13T08:00:00.000+0000',
                'dueDate': '2021-01-13T08:00:00.000+0000', 'timeZone': 'America/Los_Angeles',
                'isFloating': False, 'isAllDay': True, 'reminders': [], 'exDate': [], 'priority': 0,
                'status': 0, 'items': [], 'progress': 0, 'modifiedTime': '2021-01-14T07:08:15.875+0000',
                'etag': 'twrmcr55', 'deleted': 0, 'createdTime': '2021-01-14T07:06:09.000+0000',
                'creator': 47593756, 'tags': [], 'kind': 'TEXT'}





        === "Moving Multiple Tasks"
            Pass in the task objects in a list, and the ID of the project that tasks should be moved to.
            Again, the tasks in the list should all be from the same project.

            # Lets move two tasks: 'Read' and 'Write' that exist in a project named "Work"
            # Lets move the tasks to another project named "Hobbies" that already exists.
            hobbies_project = client.get_by_fields(name='Hobbies', search='projects')
            hobbies_id = hobbies_project['id']  # Id of the hobbies project
            read_task = client.get_by_fields(title='Read', search='tasks')
            write_task = client.get_by_fields(title='Write', search='tasks')
            move_tasks = client.task.move([read_task, write_task], hobbies_id)  # Task objects in a list

            ??? success "Result"
                The tasks that were moved are returned in a list.

                [{'id': '5ffff003b04b355792c799d3', 'projectId': '5fffeff68f08654c982c141a', 'sortOrder': 0,
                'title': 'Read', 'content': '', 'startDate': '2021-01-13T08:00:00.000+0000',
                'dueDate': '2021-01-13T08:00:00.000+0000', 'timeZone': 'America/Los_Angeles',
                'isFloating': False, 'isAllDay': True, 'reminders': [], 'exDate': [], 'priority': 0,
                'status': 0, 'items': [], 'progress': 0, 'modifiedTime': '2021-01-14T07:19:28.595+0000',
                'etag': 'co8jfqyn', 'deleted': 0, 'createdTime': '2021-01-14T07:17:23.000+0000',
                'creator': 768495743, 'kind': 'TEXT'},

                {'id': '5ffff004b04b355792c799d4', 'projectId': '5fffeff68f08654c982c141a', 'sortOrder': 0,
                'title': 'Write', 'content': '', 'startDate': '2021-01-13T08:00:00.000+0000',
                'dueDate': '2021-01-13T08:00:00.000+0000', 'timeZone': 'America/Los_Angeles',
                'isFloating': False, 'isAllDay': True, 'reminders': [], 'exDate': [], 'priority': 0,
                'status': 0, 'items': [], 'progress': 0, 'modifiedTime': '2021-01-14T07:19:28.596+0000',
                'etag': '5unkf7xg', 'deleted': 0, 'createdTime': '2021-01-14T07:17:24.000+0000',
                'creator': 768495743, 'tags': [], 'kind': 'TEXT'}]





    # Type errors
    if not isinstance(obj, dict) and not isinstance(obj, list):
        raise TypeError('obj should be a dict or list of dicts')
    if not isinstance(new, str):
        raise TypeError('new should be a string')

    # Get the parent project
    if new != self._client.inbox_id:
        project = self._client.get_by_id(new, search='projects')
        if not project:
            raise ValueError('The ID for the new project does not exist')

    if isinstance(obj, dict):
        obj = [obj]

    # Go through and check that the projects are all the same
    move_tasks = []
    project_id = obj[0]['projectId']
    for task in obj:
        if task['projectId'] != project_id:
            raise ValueError('All the tasks must come from the same project')
                'fromProjectId': project_id,
                'taskId': task['id'],
                'toProjectId': new

    url = self._client.BASE_URL + 'batch/taskProject'
    self._client.http_post(url, json=move_tasks, cookies=self._client.cookies, headers=self.headers)
    # Return the tasks in the new list
    ids = [x['id'] for x in obj]
    return_list = []
    for i in ids:
    if len(return_list) == 1:
        return return_list[0]
        return return_list

move_all(self, old, new)

Moves all the tasks from the old project to the new project.


Name Type Description Default
old str

ID of the old project.

new str

ID of the new project.



Type Description

The tasks contained in the new project.


Type Description

If either the old or new projects do not exist.


If the movement was unsuccessful.


Lets assume that we have a project named "School", and another project named "Work". To move all the tasks from "School" to "Work":

# Get the projects
school_project = client.get_by_fields(name='School', search='projects')
work_project = client.get_by_fields(name='Work', search='projects')
# Call the method
moved_tasks = client.task.move_all(school_project['id'], work_project['id'])

The tasks that were moved are returned.

[{'id': '5ffea9afe4b062d60dd62aef', 'projectId': '5ffea9afe4b062d60dd62aea', 'sortOrder': 0,
'title': 'Finish documentation for project', 'content': '', 'timeZone': 'America/Los_Angeles',
'isFloating': False, 'reminder': '', 'reminders': [], 'priority': 0, 'status': 0, 'items': [],
'modifiedTime': '2021-01-13T08:06:31.407+0000', 'etag': 'ogclghmd', 'deleted': 0,
'createdTime': '2021-01-13T08:05:03.901+0000', 'creator': 447666584, 'kind': 'TEXT'},

{'id': '5ffea9b0e4b062d60dd62af4', 'projectId': '5ffea9afe4b062d60dd62aea', 'sortOrder': 0,
'title': 'Call the boss man', 'content': '', 'timeZone': 'America/Los_Angeles',
'isFloating': False, 'reminder': '', 'reminders': [], 'priority': 0, 'status': 0, 'items': [],
'modifiedTime': '2021-01-13T08:06:31.409+0000', 'etag': '65c73q8i', 'deleted': 0,
'createdTime': '2021-01-13T08:05:04.117+0000', 'creator': 447666584, 'kind': 'TEXT'}]

Before: Two tasks are contained in the "School" project


After: The two tasks are moved to the 'Work' project


Source code in managers/
def move_all(self, old: str, new: str) -> list:
    Moves all the tasks from the old project to the new project.

        old: ID of the old project.
        new: ID of the new project.

        The tasks contained in the new project.

        ValueError: If either the old or new projects do not exist.
        RuntimeError: If the movement was unsuccessful.

    !!! example
        Lets assume that we have a project named "School", and another project named "Work". To move all the tasks from "School" to "Work":

        # Get the projects
        school_project = client.get_by_fields(name='School', search='projects')
        work_project = client.get_by_fields(name='Work', search='projects')
        # Call the method
        moved_tasks = client.task.move_all(school_project['id'], work_project['id'])

        ??? success "Result"
            The tasks that were moved are returned.

            [{'id': '5ffea9afe4b062d60dd62aef', 'projectId': '5ffea9afe4b062d60dd62aea', 'sortOrder': 0,
            'title': 'Finish documentation for project', 'content': '', 'timeZone': 'America/Los_Angeles',
            'isFloating': False, 'reminder': '', 'reminders': [], 'priority': 0, 'status': 0, 'items': [],
            'modifiedTime': '2021-01-13T08:06:31.407+0000', 'etag': 'ogclghmd', 'deleted': 0,
            'createdTime': '2021-01-13T08:05:03.901+0000', 'creator': 447666584, 'kind': 'TEXT'},

            {'id': '5ffea9b0e4b062d60dd62af4', 'projectId': '5ffea9afe4b062d60dd62aea', 'sortOrder': 0,
            'title': 'Call the boss man', 'content': '', 'timeZone': 'America/Los_Angeles',
            'isFloating': False, 'reminder': '', 'reminders': [], 'priority': 0, 'status': 0, 'items': [],
            'modifiedTime': '2021-01-13T08:06:31.409+0000', 'etag': '65c73q8i', 'deleted': 0,
            'createdTime': '2021-01-13T08:05:04.117+0000', 'creator': 447666584, 'kind': 'TEXT'}]

            **Before**: Two tasks are contained in the "School" project


            **After**: The two tasks are moved to the 'Work' project

    # Make sure that old and new id's exist
    if old != self._client.inbox_id:
        old_list = self._client.get_by_fields(id=old, search='projects')
        if not old_list:
            raise ValueError(f"Project Id '{old}' Does Not Exist")

    if new != self._client.inbox_id:
        new_list = self._client.get_by_fields(id=new, search='projects')
        if not new_list:
            raise ValueError(f"Project Id '{new}' Does Not Exist")

    # Get the tasks from the old list
    tasks = self.get_from_project(old)
    if not tasks:
        return tasks  # No tasks to move so just return the empty list
    task_project = []  # List containing all the tasks that will be updated

    for task in tasks:
            'fromProjectId': old,
            'taskId': task['id'],
            'toProjectId': new

    url = self._client.BASE_URL + 'batch/taskProject'
    # Make the initial call to move the tasks
    self._client.http_post(url, json=task_project, cookies=self._client.cookies, headers=self.headers)

    # Return the tasks in the new list
    return self._client.task.get_from_project(new)

update(self, task)

Update a task. The task should already be created.

To update a task, change any field in it's dictionary directly then pass to the method.


Creating tasks with tags is not functional but will be implemented in a future update.


Name Type Description Default
task dict

Task dictionary to be updated



Type Description

The updated task dictionary object

Formatting Dates Help

TickTick uses a certain syntax for their dates. To convert a datetime object to a compatible string to be used for updating dates, see convert_date_to_tick_tick_format

Changing The Date

# Get the task
mollys_birthday = client.get_by_fields(title="Molly's Birthday", search="tasks")

# New Date
new_date = datetime(2027, 5, 6)

# Get the new date string
new_date_string = convert_date_to_tick_tick_format(new_date, tz=client.time_zone)

# Update the task dictionary
mollys_birthday['startDate'] = new_date_string

# Update the task
molly_updated = client.task.update(mollys_birthday)

Original Task image


{'id': '60caa2278f08fe3101187002',
'projectId': '60caa20d8f08fe3101186f74',
'title': "Molly's Birthday",
'content': '',
'timeZone': '',
'startDate': '2027-05-06T07:00:00.000+0000',
'dueDate': '2027-05-05T07:00:00.000+0000',
'reminders': [],
'priority': 0,
'status': 0,
'sortOrder': -1099511627776,
'items': [],
'allDay': True}

Source code in managers/
def update(self, task):
    Update a task. The task should already be created.

    To update a task, change any field in it's dictionary directly then pass to the method.

    !!! warning
        Creating tasks with tags is not functional but will be implemented in a future update.

        task (dict): Task dictionary to be updated

        dict: The updated task dictionary object

    !!! tip "Formatting Dates Help"
        TickTick uses a certain syntax for their dates. To convert a datetime object to a compatible
        string to be used for updating dates, see [convert_date_to_tick_tick_format][helpers.time_methods.convert_date_to_tick_tick_format]

    !!! example "Changing The Date"

        # Get the task
        mollys_birthday = client.get_by_fields(title="Molly's Birthday", search="tasks")

        # New Date
        new_date = datetime(2027, 5, 6)

        # Get the new date string
        new_date_string = convert_date_to_tick_tick_format(new_date, tz=client.time_zone)

        # Update the task dictionary
        mollys_birthday['startDate'] = new_date_string

        # Update the task
        molly_updated = client.task.update(mollys_birthday)

        **Original Task**

        ??? success "Result"
            {'id': '60caa2278f08fe3101187002',
            'projectId': '60caa20d8f08fe3101186f74',
            'title': "Molly's Birthday",
            'content': '',
            'timeZone': '',
            'startDate': '2027-05-06T07:00:00.000+0000',
            'dueDate': '2027-05-05T07:00:00.000+0000',
            'reminders': [],
            'priority': 0,
            'status': 0,
            'sortOrder': -1099511627776,
            'items': [],
            'allDay': True}

    # TODO: Make tags work

    # generate url
    url = self._generate_update_url(task['id'])

    # make request
    response = self._client.http_post(url=url, json=task, headers=self.oauth_headers)

    # sync local state

    # return response
    return response