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See Get Started for information on how to register a new app with TickTick


Implements the Authorization flow for TickTick's Open API

__init__(self, client_id, client_secret, redirect_uri, scope='tasks:write tasks:read', state=None, session=None, env_key=None, cache_path='.token-oauth', check_cache=True) special

Initialize the object.


Name Type Description Default
client_id str

Client ID string

client_secret str

Client secret string

redirect_uri str

Redirect uri

scope str

Scope for the permissions. Current options are only the default.

'tasks:write tasks:read'
state str

State parameter

session requests session

Requests session

env_key str

The environment variable name where the access token dictionary is stored as a string literal.

cache_path str

The desired path of the file where the access token information will be stored.

check_cache bool

Whether to check the cache file for the access token information



This way would instantiate the steps to get a new access token, or just retrieve the cached one.

oauth = OAuth2(client_id=cliend_id,

If you are in a situation where you don't want to keep the cached token file, you can save the access token dictionary as a string literal in your environment, and pass the name of the variable to prevent having to request a new access token.

auth_client = OAuth2(client_id=client_id,

Where in the environment you have declared ACCESS_TOKEN_DICT to be the string literal of the token dictionary:

'{'access_token': '628ff081-5331-4a37-8ddk-021974c9f43g',
'token_type': 'bearer', 'expires_in': 14772375,
'scope': 'tasks:read tasks:write',
'expire_time': 1637192935,
'Wed Nov 17 15:48:55 2021'}'
Source code in ticktick/
def __init__(self,
             client_id: str,
             client_secret: str,
             redirect_uri: str,
             scope: str = "tasks:write tasks:read",  # only available options right now
             state: str = None,
             env_key: str = None,
             cache_path: str = '.token-oauth',
             check_cache: bool = True
    Initialize the object.

        client_id: Client ID string
        client_secret: Client secret string
        redirect_uri: Redirect uri
        scope: Scope for the permissions. Current options are only the default.
        state (str): State parameter
        session (requests session): Requests session
        env_key: The environment variable name where the access token dictionary is stored as a string literal.
        cache_path: The desired path of the file where the access token information will be stored.
        check_cache: Whether to check the cache file for the access token information

    !!! examples

        === "Standard Method"

            This way would instantiate the steps to get a new access token, or just retrieve the cached one.

            oauth = OAuth2(client_id=cliend_id,

        === "Check Environment Method"

            If you are in a situation where you don't want to keep the cached token file, you can save the
            access token dictionary as a string literal in your environment, and pass the name of the variable to
            prevent having to request a new access token.

            ``` python
            auth_client = OAuth2(client_id=client_id,

            Where in the environment you have declared `ACCESS_TOKEN_DICT` to be
            the string literal of the token dictionary:

            '{'access_token': '628ff081-5331-4a37-8ddk-021974c9f43g',
            'token_type': 'bearer', 'expires_in': 14772375,
            'scope': 'tasks:read tasks:write',
            'expire_time': 1637192935,
            'Wed Nov 17 15:48:55 2021'}'
    # If a proper session is passed then we will just use the existing session
    self.session = session or requests_retry_session()

    # Set the client_id
    self._client_id = client_id

    # Set the client_secret
    self._client_secret = client_secret

    # Set the redirect_uri
    self._redirect_uri = redirect_uri

    # Set the scope
    self._scope = scope

    # Set the state
    self._state = state

    # Initialize code parameter
    self._code = None

    # Set the cache handler
    self.cache = CacheHandler(cache_path)

    # Set the access token
    self.access_token_info = None

    # get access token
    self.get_access_token(check_cache=check_cache, check_env=env_key)

get_access_token(self, check_cache=True, check_env=None)

Retrieves the authorization token from cache or makes a new request for it.


This method does not need to be called explicitly.


Name Type Description Default
check_cache bool

Boolean on whether to check if the access token is in a cache file.

check_env str

The environment variable name where the token dictionary is saved as a string literal.


Priority order for getting the access token:

1) From an already set class member in the current running instance

2) From an environment variable where the token dictionary is in a string literal form, and the name of the environment variable name is the value passed to the "check_env" parameter

3) From a cache file that contains the access token dictionary (normal case)

4) From a new token request (which will create a new cache file that contains the access token dictionary) (initial case if never setup)

Source code in ticktick/
def get_access_token(self, check_cache: bool = True, check_env: str = None):
    Retrieves the authorization token from cache or makes a new request for it.

    !!! note
        This method does not need to be called explicitly.

        check_cache (bool): Boolean on whether to check if the access token is in a cache file.
        check_env (str): The environment variable name where the token dictionary is saved as a string literal.

    Priority order for getting the access token:

    1) From an already set class member in the current running instance

    2) From an environment variable where the token dictionary is in a string literal form,
    and the name of the environment variable name is the value passed to the "check_env" parameter

    3) From a cache file that contains the access token dictionary (normal case)

    4) From a new token request (which will create a new cache file that contains the access
    token dictionary) (initial case if never setup)
    # check the local state for if the access token exists
    if self.access_token_info is not None:
        token_info = self.validate_token(self.access_token_info)
        if token_info is not None:
            self.access_token_info = token_info
            return token_info["access_token"]

    # check if in the environment the access token is set
    if check_env is not None:
        # get the access token string
        token_dict_string = os.getenv(check_env)
            converted_token_dict = ast.literal_eval(token_dict_string)
            raise ValueError("Access token in the environment must be a python dictionary contained"
                             " in a string literal")
        token_info = self.validate_token(converted_token_dict)
        if token_info is not None:
            self.access_token_info = token_info
            return token_info["access_token"]

    # check if the cache file exists with the token
    if check_cache:
        token_info = self.validate_token(self.cache.get_cached_token())
        # validate token will always return a valid token
        if token_info is not None:
            self.access_token_info = token_info
            return token_info["access_token"]

    # access token is not stored anywhere, request a new token
    token_info = self._request_access_token()
    self.access_token_info = token_info
    return token_info["access_token"]

is_token_expired(token_dict) staticmethod

Returns a boolean for if the access token is expired


Name Type Description Default
token_dict dict

Access token dictionary



Type Description

Whether the access token is expired

Source code in ticktick/
def is_token_expired(token_dict):
    Returns a boolean for if the access token is expired

        token_dict (dict): Access token dictionary

        bool: Whether the access token is expired
    current_time = int(time.time())
    return token_dict["expire_time"] - current_time < 60

validate_token(self, token_dict)

Validates whether the access token is valid


Name Type Description Default
token_dict dict

Access token dictionary



Type Description
None or dict

None if the token_dict is not valid, else token_dict

Source code in ticktick/
def validate_token(self, token_dict):
    Validates whether the access token is valid

        token_dict (dict): Access token dictionary

        None or dict: None if the token_dict is not valid, else token_dict
    # if the token info dictionary does not exist then bounce
    if token_dict is None:
        return None

    # check if the token is expired
    if self.is_token_expired(token_dict):
        # make a new request for a valid token since there is currently no refresh token
        new_token_dict = self._request_access_token()
        return new_token_dict

    return token_dict  # original token_dict is valid

requests_retry_session(retries=3, backoff_factor=1, status_forcelist=(405, 500, 502, 504), session=None, allowed_methods=frozenset({'PUT', 'DELETE', 'POST', 'GET'}))

Method for http retries

Source code in ticktick/
def requests_retry_session(retries=3,
                           status_forcelist=(405, 500, 502, 504),
                           allowed_methods=frozenset(['GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE'])):
    Method for http retries
    session = session or requests.session()
    retry = Retry(
    adapter = HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retry)
    session.mount('http://', adapter)
    session.mount('https://', adapter)
    return session