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API and Important Information

The TickTickClient class is the origin for interactions with the API. It is important to understand how the local data for your profile is stored and the names that you will interact with in order to access the different features.


The state public member is a dictionary that contains objects linked to your TickTick profile. The dictionary is automatically updated and synced when changes are made through the API.


The lists are comprised of dictionaries that contain all the fields for each type of TickTick object: tasks, tags, etc.

Member Type Contains
tasks list All uncompleted task objects
tags list All tag objects
projects list All project objects
project_folders list All project folder objects

Members can be accessed by normal dictionary indexing using the member strings.

# Assumes that 'client' is the name that references the TickTickClient class.

uncompleted_tasks = client.state['tasks']
all_tags = client.state['tags']
{'id': '5ff24e4b8f08904035b304d9', 'projectId': 'inbox416323287', 'sortOrder': -1099511627776, 'title': 'Get Groceries', 'content': '', 'startDate': '2021-05-06T21:30:00.000+0000', 'dueDate': '2021-05-06T21:30:00.000+0000', 'timeZone': 'America/Los_Angeles', 'isFloating': False, 'isAllDay': False, 'reminders': [], 'priority': 0, 'status': 0, 'items': [], 'modifiedTime': '2021-01-03T23:07:55.004+0000', 'etag': 'ol2zesef', 'deleted': 0, 'createdTime': '2021-01-03T23:07:55.011+0000', 'creator': 359368200, 'kind': 'TEXT'}


Different functionality can be accessed through different public members of the TickTickClient instance:


Accessing the methods for each type of member is easy. It is in this format:

client(or whatever name references the TickTickClient instance).manager(members in table below).method()

Member Functionality
task Task Methods
tag Tag Methods
project List Methods
# Assumes that 'client' is the name that references the TickTickClient instance.

created_task = client.task.create('My Created Task')
deleted_project = client.project.delete(project_id)

Make sure to check the individual documentation for the different method managers.

Other Public Members

Member Type Description
profile_id str ID assigned to your profile
inbox_id str Inbox ID assigned to your profile
time_zone str Timezone string linked to your TickTick profile
state dict Holds all the item objects in your profile (described above)

Messing with these values could produce unwanted effects.

Member Type Description
access_token str Instance token generated by TickTick for your session.
cookies dict Cookies required for your session.

Useful Methods

TickTickClient has a lot of helper functions in its documentation...however these should be the only of use methods to you:


It's recommended that you look at the documentation for these three methods to see how to obtain / delete objects from the local state dictionary - an important feature that will be useful when updating / deleting TickTick objects remotely.

That's It!

That's all the required information for how to get started with the library! To see how to use individual features, check these out next:

TickTickClient Documentation


__init__(self, username, password, oauth) special

Initializes a client session. In order to interact with the API a successful login must occur.


Name Type Description Default
username str

TickTick Username

password str

TickTick Password

oauth OAuth2

OAuth2 manager



Type Description

If the login was not successful.

Source code in ticktick/
def __init__(self, username: str, password: str, oauth: OAuth2) -> None:
    Initializes a client session. In order to interact with the API
    a successful login must occur.

        username: TickTick Username
        password: TickTick Password
        oauth: OAuth2 manager

        RunTimeError: If the login was not successful.
    # Class members

    self.access_token = None
    self.cookies = {}
    self.time_zone = ''
    self.profile_id = ''
    self.inbox_id = ''
    self.state = {}
    self.oauth_manager = oauth
    self._session = self.oauth_manager.session

    self._prepare_session(username, password)

    # Mangers for the different operations
    self.focus = FocusTimeManager(self)
    self.habit = HabitManager(self)
    self.project = ProjectManager(self)
    self.pomo = PomoManager(self)
    self.settings = SettingsManager(self)
    self.tag = TagsManager(self)
    self.task = TaskManager(self)

check_status_code(response, error_message) staticmethod

Verifies the http response was status code 200.


Name Type Description Default
response httpx

Httpx response

error_message str

Error message to be included with the exception



Type Description

If the status code of the response was not 200.

Source code in ticktick/
def check_status_code(response, error_message: str) -> None:
    Verifies the http response was status code 200.

        response (httpx): Httpx response
        error_message: Error message to be included with the exception

        RuntimeError: If the status code of the response was not 200.
    if response.status_code != 200:
        raise RuntimeError(error_message)

delete_from_local_state(self, search=None, **kwargs)

Deletes a single object from the local state dictionary. Does not delete any items remotely.

If search is specified, it will only search the specific state list, else the entire state dictionary will be searched.


Since each TickTick object like tasks, lists, and tags are just dictionaries of fields, we can find an object by comparing the fields.

For example: Lets say that we wanted to find and delete an existing task object from our local state with the name 'Get Groceries'. To do this, we can specify the field(s) that we want to compare for in the task objects -> in this case the title 'Get Groceries'.

The call to the function would look like this:

# Assumes that `client` is the name referencing the TickTickClient instance.

deleted_task = client.delete_from_local_state(title='Get Groceries')
deleted_task would now hold the object that was deleted from the state dictionary if it was found.

Furthermore if we know the type of object we are looking for, we can make the search more efficient by specifying the key its located under in the state dictionary.

# Assumes that `client` is the name referencing the TickTickClient instance.

deleted_task = client.delete_from_local_state(title='Get Groceries', search='tasks')

The search will now only look through tasks in state.


Name Type Description Default
search str

A specific item to look through in the state dictionary. When not specified the


Matching fields in the object to look for.



Type Description

The dictionary of the object that was deleted.


Type Description

If no key word arguments are provided.


If the search key provided is not a key in state.

Source code in ticktick/
def delete_from_local_state(self, search: str = None, **kwargs) -> dict:
    Deletes a single object from the local `state` dictionary. **Does not delete any items remotely.**

    If search is specified, it will only search the specific [`state`]( list,
    else the entire [`state`]( dictionary will be searched.

    !!! example
        Since each TickTick object like tasks, lists, and tags are just dictionaries of fields,
        we can find an object by
        comparing the fields.

        For example: Lets say that we wanted to find and delete an existing task object from our local state
        with the name 'Get Groceries'. To do this, we can specify the field(s) that we want to compare for in
        the task objects -> in this case the `title` 'Get Groceries'.

        The call to the function would look like this:

        # Assumes that `client` is the name referencing the TickTickClient instance.

        deleted_task = client.delete_from_local_state(title='Get Groceries')
        `deleted_task` would now hold the object that was deleted from the [`state`](
        dictionary if it was found.

        Furthermore if we know the type of object we are looking for, we can make the search more efficient by
        specifying the key its located under in the [`state`]( dictionary.

        # Assumes that `client` is the name referencing the TickTickClient instance.

        deleted_task = client.delete_from_local_state(title='Get Groceries', search='tasks')

        The search will now only look through `tasks` in `state`.

        search: A specific item to look through in the [`state`]( dictionary. When not specified the
        entire [`state`]( dictionary will be searched.
        **kwargs: Matching fields in the object to look for.

        The dictionary of the object that was deleted.

        ValueError: If no key word arguments are provided.
        KeyError: If the search key provided is not a key in [`state`](

    # Check that kwargs is not empty
    if kwargs == {}:
        raise ValueError('Must Include Field(s) To Be Searched For')

    if search is not None and search not in self.state:
        raise KeyError(f"'{search}' Is Not Present In self.state Dictionary")

    # Search just in the desired list
    if search is not None:
        # Go through the state dictionary list and delete the object that matches the fields
        for item in range(len(self.state[search])):
            all_match = True
            for field in kwargs:
                if kwargs[field] != self.state[search][item][field]:
                    all_match = False
            if all_match:
                deleted = self.state[search][item]
                # Delete the item
                del self.state[search][item]
                return deleted

        # No key passed, search entire self.state dictionary
        # Search the first level of the state dictionary
        for primary_key in self.state:
            skip_primary_key = False
            all_match = True
            middle_key = 0
            # Search the individual lists of the dictionary
            for middle_key in range(len(self.state[primary_key])):
                if skip_primary_key:
                # Match the fields in the kwargs dictionary to the specific object -> if all match add index
                for fields in kwargs:
                    # if the field doesn't exist, we can assume every other item in the list doesn't have the
                    # field either -> so skip this primary_key entirely
                    if fields not in self.state[primary_key][middle_key]:
                        all_match = False
                        skip_primary_key = True
                    if kwargs[fields] == self.state[primary_key][middle_key][fields]:
                        all_match = True
                        all_match = False
                if all_match:
                    deleted = self.state[primary_key][middle_key]
                    del self.state[primary_key][middle_key]
                    return deleted

get_by_etag(self, etag, search=None)

Returns the dictionary object of the item with the matching etag.

If search is specified, it will only search the specific state list, else the entire state dictionary will be searched.


Since each TickTick object like tasks, projects, and tags are just dictionaries of fields, we can find an object by comparing the etag fields.

For example: Lets get the object that corresponds to an etag referenced by my_etag.

The call to the function would look like this:

# Assumes that `client` is the name referencing the TickTickClient instance.

found_obj = client.get_by_etag(my_etag)
found_obj would now reference the object if it was found, else it would reference an empty dictionary.

Furthermore if we know the type of object we are looking for, we can make the search more efficient by specifying the key its located under in the state dictionary.

# Assumes that `client` is the name referencing the TickTickClient instance.

found_obj = client.get_by_etag(my_etag, search='projects')

The search will now only look through projects in state.


Name Type Description Default
etag str

The etag of the object that you are looking for.

search str

Key in state that the search should take place in. If empty the



Type Description

The dictionary object of the item if found, or an empty dictionary if not found.


Type Description

If the search key provided is not a key in state.

Source code in ticktick/
def get_by_etag(self, etag: str, search: str = None) -> dict:
    Returns the dictionary object of the item with the matching etag.

    If search is specified, it will only search the specific [`state`]( list, else the
    entire [`state`]( dictionary will be searched.

    !!! example
        Since each TickTick object like tasks, projects, and tags are just dictionaries of fields,
        we can find an object by
        comparing the etag fields.

        For example: Lets get the object that corresponds to an etag referenced by `my_etag`.

        The call to the function would look like this:

        # Assumes that `client` is the name referencing the TickTickClient instance.

        found_obj = client.get_by_etag(my_etag)
        `found_obj` would now reference the object if it was found, else it would reference an empty dictionary.

        Furthermore if we know the type of object we are looking for, we can make the search more efficient by
        specifying the key its located under in the [`state`]( dictionary.

        # Assumes that `client` is the name referencing the TickTickClient instance.

        found_obj = client.get_by_etag(my_etag, search='projects')

        The search will now only look through `projects` in [`state`](

        etag: The etag of the object that you are looking for.
        search: Key in [`state`](#state) that the search should take place in. If empty the
        entire [`state`]( dictionary will be searched.

        The dictionary object of the item if found, or an empty dictionary if not found.

        KeyError: If the search key provided is not a key in [`state`](

    if search is not None and search not in self.state:
        raise KeyError(f"'{search}' Is Not Present In self.state Dictionary")

    # Search just in the desired list
    if search is not None:
        for index in self.state[search]:
            if index['etag'] == etag:
                return index

        # Search all items in self.state
        for prim_key in self.state:
            for our_object in self.state[prim_key]:
                if 'etag' not in our_object:
                if our_object['etag'] == etag:
                    return our_object
    # Return empty dictionary if not found
    return {}

get_by_fields(self, search=None, **kwargs)

Finds and returns the objects in state that match the inputted fields.

If search is specified, it will only search the specific state list, else the entire state dictionary will be searched.


Since each TickTick object like tasks, projects, and tags are just dictionaries of fields, we can find an object by comparing any fields contained in those objects.

For example: Lets say we have 3 task objects that are titled 'Hello', and we want to obtain all of them.

The call to the function would look like this:

# Assumes that `client` is the name referencing the TickTickClient instance.

found_objs = client.get_by_fields(title='Hello')
found_objs would now reference a list containing the 3 objects with titles 'Hello'.

Furthermore if we know the type of object we are looking for, we can make the search more efficient by specifying the key its located under in the state dictionary.

# Assumes that `client` is the name referencing the TickTickClient instance.

found_obj = client.get_by_fields(title='Hello', search='tasks')

The search will now only look through tasks in state.


Name Type Description Default
search str

Key in state that the search should take place in. If empty the


Matching fields in the object to look for.



Type Description
dict or list

Single Object (dict): The dictionary of the object.

Multiple Objects (list): A list of dictionary objects.

Nothing Found (list): Empty List


Type Description

If no key word arguments are provided.


If the search key provided is not a key in state.

Source code in ticktick/
def get_by_fields(self, search: str = None, **kwargs):
    Finds and returns the objects in `state` that match the inputted fields.

    If search is specified, it will only search the specific [`state`]( list,
    else the entire [`state`]( dictionary will be searched.

    !!! example
        Since each TickTick object like tasks, projects, and tags are just dictionaries of fields,
        we can find an object by
        comparing any fields contained in those objects.

        For example: Lets say we have 3 task objects that are titled 'Hello', and we want to obtain all of them.

        The call to the function would look like this:

        # Assumes that `client` is the name referencing the TickTickClient instance.

        found_objs = client.get_by_fields(title='Hello')
        `found_objs` would now reference a list containing the 3 objects with titles 'Hello'.

        Furthermore if we know the type of object we are looking for, we can make the search more efficient by
        specifying the key its located under in the [`state`](#state) dictionary.

        # Assumes that `client` is the name referencing the TickTickClient instance.

        found_obj = client.get_by_fields(title='Hello', search='tasks')

        The search will now only look through `tasks` in [`state`](

        search: Key in [`state`]( that the search should take place in. If empty the
        entire [`state`]( dictionary will be searched.
        **kwargs: Matching fields in the object to look for.

        dict or list:
        **Single Object (dict)**: The dictionary of the object.

        **Multiple Objects (list)**: A list of dictionary objects.

        **Nothing Found (list)**: Empty List

        ValueError: If no key word arguments are provided.
        KeyError: If the search key provided is not a key in `state`.
    if kwargs == {}:
        raise ValueError('Must Include Field(s) To Be Searched For')

    if search is not None and search not in self.state:
        raise KeyError(f"'{search}' Is Not Present In self.state Dictionary")

    objects = []
    if search is not None:
        # If a specific key was passed for self.state
        # Go through self.state[key_name] and see if all the fields in kwargs match
        # If all don't match return empty list
        for index in self.state[search]:
            all_match = True
            for field in kwargs:
                if kwargs[field] != index[field]:
                    all_match = False
            if all_match:

        # No key passed, search entire self.state dictionary
        # Search the first level of the state dictionary
        for primarykey in self.state:
            skip_primary_key = False
            all_match = True
            middle_key = 0
            # Search the individual lists of the dictionary
            for middle_key in range(len(self.state[primarykey])):
                if skip_primary_key:
                # Match the fields in the kwargs dictionary to the specific object -> if all match add index
                for fields in kwargs:
                    # if the field doesn't exist, we can assume every other item in the list doesn't have the
                    # field either -> so skip this primary_key entirely
                    if fields not in self.state[primarykey][middle_key]:
                        all_match = False
                        skip_primary_key = True
                    if kwargs[fields] == self.state[primarykey][middle_key][fields]:
                        all_match = True
                        all_match = False
                if all_match:

    if len(objects) == 1:
        return objects[0]
        return objects

get_by_id(self, obj_id, search=None)

Returns the dictionary of the object corresponding to the passed id.

If search is specified, it will only search the specific state list, else the entire state dictionary will be searched.


Since each TickTick object like tasks, projects, and tags are just dictionaries of fields, we can find an object by comparing the id fields.

For example: Lets get the object that corresponds to an id referenced by my_id.

The call to the function would look like this:

# Assumes that `client` is the name referencing the TickTickClient instance.

found_obj = client.get_by_id(my_id)
found_obj would now reference the object if it was found, else it would reference an empty dictionary.

Furthermore if we know the type of object we are looking for, we can make the search more efficient by specifying the key its located under in the state dictionary.

# Assumes that `client` is the name referencing the TickTickClient instance.

found_obj = client.get_by_id(my_id, search='projects')

The search will now only look through projects in state.


Name Type Description Default
obj_id str

Id of the item.

search str

Key in state that the search should take place in. If empty the



Type Description

The dictionary object of the item if found, or an empty dictionary if not found.


Type Description

If the search key provided is not a key in state.

Source code in ticktick/
def get_by_id(self, obj_id: str, search: str = None) -> dict:
    Returns the dictionary of the object corresponding to the passed id.

    If search is specified, it will only search the specific [`state`]( list, else the
    entire [`state`]( dictionary will be searched.

    !!! example
        Since each TickTick object like tasks, projects, and tags are just dictionaries of fields,
        we can find an object by
        comparing the id fields.

        For example: Lets get the object that corresponds to an id referenced by `my_id`.

        The call to the function would look like this:

        # Assumes that `client` is the name referencing the TickTickClient instance.

        found_obj = client.get_by_id(my_id)
        `found_obj` would now reference the object if it was found, else it would reference an empty dictionary.

        Furthermore if we know the type of object we are looking for, we can make the search more efficient by
        specifying the key its located under in the [`state`]( dictionary.

        # Assumes that `client` is the name referencing the TickTickClient instance.

        found_obj = client.get_by_id(my_id, search='projects')

        The search will now only look through `projects` in [`state`](

        obj_id: Id of the item.
        search: Key in [`state`]( that the search should take place in. If empty the
        entire [`state`]( dictionary will be searched.

        The dictionary object of the item if found, or an empty dictionary if not found.

        KeyError: If the search key provided is not a key in [`state`](
    if search is not None and search not in self.state:
        raise KeyError(f"'{search}' Is Not Present In self.state Dictionary")

    # Search just in the desired list
    if search is not None:
        for index in self.state[search]:
            if index['id'] == obj_id:
                return index

        # Search all items in self.state
        for prim_key in self.state:
            for our_object in self.state[prim_key]:
                if 'id' not in our_object:
                if our_object['id'] == obj_id:
                    return our_object
    # Return empty dictionary if not found
    return {}

http_delete(self, url, **kwargs)

Sends an http delete request with the specified url and keyword arguments.


Name Type Description Default
url str

Url to send the request.


Arguments to send with the request.



Type Description

The json parsed response if possible or just a string of the response text if not.


Type Description

If the request could not be completed.

Source code in ticktick/
def http_delete(self, url, **kwargs):
    Sends an http delete request with the specified url and keyword arguments.

        url (str): Url to send the request.
        **kwargs: Arguments to send with the request.

        dict: The json parsed response if possible or just a string of the response text if not.

        RunTimeError: If the request could not be completed.
    response = self._session.delete(url, **kwargs)
    self.check_status_code(response, 'Could Not Complete Request')

        return response.json()
    except ValueError:
        return response.text

http_get(self, url, **kwargs)

Sends an http get request with the specified url and keyword arguments.


Name Type Description Default
url str

Url to send the request.


Arguments to send with the request.



Type Description

The json parsed response if possible or just a string of the response text if not.


Type Description

If the request could not be completed.

Source code in ticktick/
def http_get(self, url, **kwargs):
    Sends an http get request with the specified url and keyword arguments.

        url (str): Url to send the request.
        **kwargs: Arguments to send with the request.

        dict: The json parsed response if possible or just a string of the response text if not.

        RunTimeError: If the request could not be completed.
    response = self._session.get(url, **kwargs)
    self.check_status_code(response, 'Could Not Complete Request')

        return response.json()
    except ValueError:
        return response.text

http_post(self, url, **kwargs)

Sends an http post request with the specified url and keyword arguments.


Name Type Description Default
url str

Url to send the request.


Arguments to send with the request.



Type Description

The json parsed response if possible or just a string of the response text if not.


Type Description

If the request could not be completed.

Source code in ticktick/
def http_post(self, url, **kwargs):
    Sends an http post request with the specified url and keyword arguments.

        url (str): Url to send the request.
        **kwargs: Arguments to send with the request.

        dict: The json parsed response if possible or just a string of the response text if not.

        RunTimeError: If the request could not be completed.
    response =, **kwargs)
    self.check_status_code(response, 'Could Not Complete Request')

        return response.json()
    except ValueError:
        return response.text

http_put(self, url, **kwargs)

Sends an http put request with the specified url and keyword arguments.


Name Type Description Default
url str

Url to send the request.


Arguments to send with the request.



Type Description

The json parsed response if possible or just a string of the response text if not.


Type Description

If the request could not be completed.

Source code in ticktick/
def http_put(self, url, **kwargs):
    Sends an http put request with the specified url and keyword arguments.

        url (str): Url to send the request.
        **kwargs: Arguments to send with the request.

        dict: The json parsed response if possible or just a string of the response text if not.

        RunTimeError: If the request could not be completed.
    response = self._session.put(url, **kwargs)
    self.check_status_code(response, 'Could Not Complete Request')

        return response.json()
    except ValueError:
        return response.text

parse_etag(response, multiple=False) staticmethod

Parses the etag of a successful creation of a tag object.


The response from TickTick upon a successful tag creation is in this form:

We want to obtain "vxzpwo38" in this example - the etag of the object.


Name Type Description Default
response dict

Dictionary from the successful creation of a tag object

multiple bool

Specifies whether there are multiple etags to return.



Type Description

A single etag string if not multiple, or a list of etag strings if multiple.

Source code in ticktick/
def parse_etag(response: dict, multiple: bool = False) -> str:
    Parses the etag of a successful creation of a tag object.

    !!! info
        The response from TickTick upon a successful tag creation is in this form:

        We want to obtain "vxzpwo38" in this example - the etag of the object.

        response: Dictionary from the successful creation of a tag object
        multiple: Specifies whether there are multiple etags to return.

        A single etag string if not multiple, or a list of etag strings if multiple.
    etag = response['id2etag']
    etag2 = list(etag.keys())
    if not multiple:
        return etag[etag2[0]]
        etags = []
        for key in range(len(etag2)):
        return etags

parse_id(response) staticmethod

Parses the Id of a successful creation of a TickTick object.


The response from the TickTick servers is in this form:

{'id2etag': {'5ff2bcf68f08093e5b745a30': '3okkc2xm'}, 'id2error': {}}
We want to obtain '5ff2bcf68f08093e5b745a30' in this example - the id of the object.


Name Type Description Default
response dict

Dictionary containing the Dd from the TickTick servers.



Type Description

Id string of the object.

Source code in ticktick/
def parse_id(response: dict) -> str:
    Parses the Id of a successful creation of a TickTick object.
    !!! info
        The response from the TickTick servers is in this form:

        {'id2etag': {'5ff2bcf68f08093e5b745a30': '3okkc2xm'}, 'id2error': {}}
        We want to obtain '5ff2bcf68f08093e5b745a30' in this example - the id of the object.

        response: Dictionary containing the Dd from the TickTick servers.

        Id string of the object.
    id_tag = response['id2etag']
    id_tag = list(id_tag.keys())
    return id_tag[0]


Resets the contents of the items in the state dictionary.

Source code in ticktick/
def reset_local_state(self):
    Resets the contents of the items in the [`state`]( dictionary.

    self.state = {
        'projects': [],
        'project_folders': [],
        'tags': [],
        'tasks': [],
        'user_settings': {},
        'profile': {}


Populates the TickTickClient state dictionary with the contents of your account.

This method is called when necessary by other methods and does not need to be explicitly called.


Type Description

The response from the get request.


Type Description

If the request could not be completed.

Source code in ticktick/
def sync(self):
    Populates the `TickTickClient` [`state`]( dictionary with the contents of your account.

    **This method is called when necessary by other methods and does not need to be explicitly called.**

        httpx: The response from the get request.

        RunTimeError: If the request could not be completed.
    response = self.http_get(self.INITIAL_BATCH_URL, cookies=self.cookies, headers=self.HEADERS)

    # Inbox Id
    self.inbox_id = response['inboxId']
    # Set list groups
    self.state['project_folders'] = response['projectGroups']
    # Set lists
    self.state['projects'] = response['projectProfiles']
    # Set Uncompleted Tasks
    self.state['tasks'] = response['syncTaskBean']['update']
    # Set tags
    self.state['tags'] = response['tags']

    return response